MLIR Vector Dialect and Patterns

36 min read

The vector dialect and related transformations are crucial components in the MLIR CodeGen flow for machine learning (ML). Today I will zoom in on it to explain its positioning in the overall picture, characteristics, important operations and transformations, and best practices of using it based on my experiences.

Positioning and Purpose


MLIR CodeGen follows a progressive approach; it has more layers of abstractions than other framework or compiler stacks. Refreshing the CodeGen flow introduced in the previous blog post and highlighting vector dialect related steps:

MLIR Vector Dialect in CodeGen Flow


Each layer in the above flow serves its own purpose:

  • At the top level, dialects like tf, tflite, and torch are meant for ML framework integration; and dialects like mhlo and tosa are meant for consolidating flexible framework op sets into (stable) input ML programs.
  • Down the stack, dialects like linalg are for tiling the original program and mapping to the hardware compute hierarchy.
  • Dialects like memref are for handling memory planning and concrete data accesses. Its position in the flow is relatively flexible as it can happen either before or after the vector abstractions.
  • At the bottom of the stack is dialects like llvm or spirv to exit the MLIR system for even lower level CodeGen and/or final program serialization.

The vector dialect and related patterns slot after the original problem tiling and mapping to hardware compute units (CPU threads, GPU warps/subgroups, etc.). There we are handling a similar yet smaller problem, from the perspective of a single SIMD/SIMT compute unit. The purpose of the vector level transformations is thus to further break down the smaller scale problem and map to hardware registers and native vector compute instructions.

Characteristics and Approaches


The positioning and purposes determine there are a few key characteristics of the vector dialect:

  1. Given that we have already tiled the original problem, the dimension sizes of each tile are static. So vector dialect operates on static shapes.
  2. Due to the semantic gap between high-dimension (high-D) tensors from upper layers and low-dimension (low-D) native vectors on hardware targets, vector dialect itself is “multi-level”—it has both target-agnostic and target-specific operations.

Expanding on that, from top to bottom, vector ops can be categorized into three levels:

  1. Target-agnostic ops that operate on high-D vectors. These operations (e.g., vector.transfer_read and vector.transfer_write) account for various cases and are more general and flexible. There are generally no direct hardware instructions for them. They serve as the lowering target from upper tensor layers, so that vectorizing tensor/buffer ops is mostly mechanical.
  2. Target-specific ops that operate on low-D vectors. These operations may map 1:1 to special hardware native vector instructions (e.g., vector.contract over 2-D 16x16 vectors) and serve as snippets to match for generating them (e.g., NVIDIA TensorCore wmma ops).
  3. Primitive ops that operate on 1-D vectors. These operations (e.g., vector.insertelement and vector.extractelement) directly mirror llvm/spirv counterparts. They act as the most fine-grained and final form of vector decomposition, before existing to llvm/spirv ops as mechanical conversions.

Note that the boundary between the above categories is a bit blurry; sometimes depending on the operand vectors, we can put an op in different categories. For instance, vector.contract ops on 4-D vectors with transposed indexing maps would fit into the first category, as compared to the previous example. So this is just a rough division to make understanding the problem and flow easier.

Anyway, putting common vector ops under this structure:

Levels \ Class Load/Store Insert/Extract
Target-agnostic ops vector.transfer_{read|write} vector.{insert|extract}_strided_slice
Target-specific ops vector.{load|store} vector.{insert|extract}
Primitive ops vector.masked{load|store} vector.{insert|extract}element
Levels \ Class Transpose Reduce/Contract Elementwise
Target-agnostic ops vector.contract
Target-specific ops vector.transpose vector.multi_reduction
Primitive ops vector.shuffle vetor.reduction vector.fma and arith/math ops

The above tables listed vector ops commonly seen in CodeGen flows and indicate the conversion direction for those ops. (Note that in the above tables for ops that can straddle across categories, I put them in the most common category they appear based on my experience. Also note that it does not necessarily mean we must go through all levels there; e.g., vector.transfer_read/vector.load can generate vector<4xf32> and thus directly be converted to memref.load. So again this is just a rough division to provide structure and make understanding easier.)

There are also other common vector ops without so many levels, e.g., vector.splat and vector.broadcast for element duplication, vector.{gather|scatter} for special data access modes, vector.reshape and vector.shape_cast for shape management, and so on.

The vector dialect has a good overview and rationale docs well worth a read.


The above characteristics dictate the approaches at the vector level—static shapes enable unrolling as the mechanism for breaking down high-D vectors to low-D ones, while different levels of abstractions in the same dialect makes it easier to write lowerings after unrolling as mechanical op rewrites and canonicalizations. Next let’s talk about vector transformations in more detail.


Transformations for the vector dialect are written as mechanical op rewrites and minimal canonicalization patterns as much as possible. The goal is to separate concerns and be composible; minimal patterns also makes testing and modification much easier.

It does, though, complicate developer experience—we need to orchestrate those general and flexible abstractions and minimal patterns in a coherent pass. It is tricky to get right. Let’s walk through the steps one by one.

Here I’ll use the pipeline for targeting mobile GPUs in iree-org/iree@a8e4c38c and run it on the following matmul and convolution:

func.func @dot(%lhs: tensor<128x256xf32>, %rhs: tensor<256x64xf32>,
               %sub: tensor<128x64xf32>) -> tensor<128x64xf32> {
  %0 = ""(%lhs, %rhs) : (tensor<128x256xf32>, tensor<256x64xf32>) -> tensor<128x64xf32>
  %1 = mhlo.subtract %0, %sub : tensor<128x64xf32>
  return %0 : tensor<128x64xf32>
func.func @conv(%input: tensor<1x224x224x3xf32>, %filter: tensor<3x3x3x32xf32>,
                %sub: tensor<1x112x112x32xf32>) -> tensor<1x112x112x32xf32> {
  %0 = mhlo.convolution(%input, %filter)
          dim_numbers = [b, 0, 1, f]x[0, 1, i, o]->[b, 0, 1, f],
          window = {stride = [2, 2], pad = [[0, 1], [0, 1]], rhs_dilate = [1, 1]}
          {batch_group_count = 1 : i64, feature_group_count = 1 : i64}
        : (tensor<1x224x224x3xf32>, tensor<3x3x3x32xf32>) -> tensor<1x112x112x32xf32>
  %1 = mhlo.subtract %0, %sub : tensor<1x112x112x32xf32>
  return %1: tensor<1x112x112x32xf32>

The detailed output (for the CodeGen part) from iree-compile is in this gist and this gist. The pass source code is here. While the pipeline is targeting mobile GPUs, it just invokes upstream patterns (together with a few local patterns). The general flow and order should apply to various other hardware targets. (The bonus point of going down the SPIR-V path is that it stresses vector transformations, as we cannot rely on the LLVM stack itself to clean up vector ops.)

I’ll omit the steps before vectorization. You can see examples in the previous blog post. Zooming in on inside the innermost loop for distributing to GPU threads, inputs to vectorization for matmul and convolution:

%14 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%15 = tensor.extract_slice %arg5...
%16 = linalg.fill {...} ins(%cst : f32) outs(%15 : tensor<4x4xf32>) -> tensor<4x4xf32>
%17 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%18 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%19 = scf.for %arg6 = %c0 to %c256 step %c4 iter_args(%arg7 = %16) -> (tensor<4x4xf32>) {
  %22 = tensor.extract_slice %17[0, %arg6] [4, 4] [1, 1] : tensor<4x256xf32> to tensor<4x4xf32>
  %23 = tensor.extract_slice %18[%arg6, 0] [4, 4] [1, 1] : tensor<256x4xf32> to tensor<4x4xf32>
  %24 = linalg.matmul {...}
        ins(%22, %23 : tensor<4x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>)
        outs(%arg7 : tensor<4x4xf32>) -> tensor<4x4xf32>
  scf.yield %24 : tensor<4x4xf32>
%20 = linalg.generic {
  indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>, affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>],
  iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel"]
} ins(%14 : tensor<4x4xf32>) outs(%19 : tensor<4x4xf32>) attrs =  {...} {
^bb0(%arg6: f32, %arg7: f32):
  %22 = arith.subf %arg7, %arg6 : f32
  linalg.yield %22 : f32
} -> tensor<4x4xf32>
%21 = tensor.insert_slice %20 into %arg5...
%26 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%27 = tensor.extract_slice %arg6...
%28 = linalg.fill {...} ins(%cst : f32) outs(%27 : tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>) -> tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>
%35 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%36 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%37 = scf.for %arg7 = %c0 to %c3 step %c1 iter_args(%arg8 = %28) -> (tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>) {
  %40 = scf.for %arg9 = %c0 to %c3 step %c1 iter_args(%arg10 = %arg8) -> (tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>) {
    %49 = tensor.extract_slice ...
    %50 = tensor.pad %49 low[0, 0, 0, 0] high[0, %44, %48, 0] {
    ^bb0(%arg11: index, %arg12: index, %arg13: index, %arg14: index):
      tensor.yield %cst : f32
    } : tensor<1x?x?x3xf32> to tensor<1x1x3x3xf32>
    %51 = tensor.extract_slice ...
    %52 = linalg.conv_2d_nhwc_hwcf
          {dilations = dense<1> : tensor<2xi64>, strides = dense<2> : tensor<2xi64>}
          ins(%50, %51 : tensor<1x1x3x3xf32>, tensor<1x1x3x4xf32>)
          outs(%arg10 : tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>) -> tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>
    scf.yield %52 : tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>
  scf.yield %40 : tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>
%38 = linalg.generic {
  indexing_maps = [
    affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d0, d1, d2, d3)>,
    affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d0, d1, d2, d3)>
  iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "parallel", "parallel"]
} ins(%26 : tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>) outs(%37 : tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>) attrs =  {...} {
^bb0(%arg7: f32, %arg8: f32):
  %40 = arith.subf %arg8, %arg7 : f32
  linalg.yield %40 : f32
} -> tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>
%39 = tensor.insert_slice %38 into %arg6...


After tiling, we have static shaped tiles. Vectorization then converts these static shaped linalg/tensor/memref ops to vector ops of the same shape. In the process it creates vector.transfer_read ops to read data from tensors or buffers into high-D vectors, creates vector/arith/math ops to compute on them, and then creates vector.transfer_write ops to write the result back.

For linalg structured ops, we actually have one single pattern, linalg::LinalgVectorizationPattern, to vectorize them all. This is due to the design behind linalg structured ops—named ops are just “syntax sugar” over linalg.generic ops, so all ops can be vectorized via vectorizeAsLinalgGeneric(). The only exception is convolution, because of special formed indexing maps for input (more on this later).

For other linalg, tensor or memref ops, vectorization would mean dedicated patterns. For example, linalg::populatePadOpVectorizationPatterns() collects tensor.pad vectorization patterns. I also have another special pattern for vectorizing tensor.pad ops with conditional reads in IREE, because the upstream ones do not meet my particular needs.

So in summary, one would need to pull in these upstream vectorization patterns to convert their target ops. These pattern can scatter in different populate*Patterns() entry points. Sometimes one would also need to write customized vectorization patterns.

After vectorization, outputs for the above matmul example and convolution example look like:

%14 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%15 = tensor.extract_slice %arg5...
%16 = vector.transfer_write %cst, %15[%c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<4x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%17 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%18 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%19 = scf.for %arg6 = %c0 to %c256 step %c4 iter_args(%arg7 = %16) -> (tensor<4x4xf32>) {
  %25 = tensor.extract_slice %17[0, %arg6] [4, 4] [1, 1] : tensor<4x256xf32> to tensor<4x4xf32>
  %26 = tensor.extract_slice %18[%arg6, 0] [4, 4] [1, 1] : tensor<256x4xf32> to tensor<4x4xf32>
  %27 = vector.transfer_read %25[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4x4xf32>
  %28 = vector.transfer_read %26[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4x4xf32>
  %29 = vector.transfer_read %arg7[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4x4xf32>
  %30 = vector.contract {
          indexing_maps = [
            affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d2)>,
            affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d2, d1)>,
            affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1)>
          iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction"],
          kind = #vector.kind<add>
        } %27, %28, %29 : vector<4x4xf32>, vector<4x4xf32> into vector<4x4xf32>
  %31 = vector.transfer_write %30, %arg7[%c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<4x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
  scf.yield %31 : tensor<4x4xf32>
%20 = vector.transfer_read %14[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4x4xf32>
%21 = vector.transfer_read %19[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4x4xf32>
%22 = arith.subf %21, %20 : vector<4x4xf32>
%23 = vector.transfer_write %22, %19[%c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<4x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%24 = tensor.insert_slice %23 into %arg5...
%26 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%27 = tensor.extract_slice %arg6...
%28 = vector.transfer_write %cst, %27[%c0, %c0, %c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true, true, true]} : vector<1x1x2x4xf32>, tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>
%35 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%36 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%37 = scf.for %arg7 = %c0 to %c3 step %c1 iter_args(%arg8 = %28) -> (tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>) {
  %43 = scf.for %arg9 = %c0 to %c3 step %c1 iter_args(%arg10 = %arg8) -> (tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>) {
    %50 = tensor.extract_slice ...
    %56 = scf.if ... -> (vector<3xf32>) {
      %93 = vector.transfer_read %50[%c0, %c0, %c0, %c0], %cst_2 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<1x?x?x3xf32>, vector<3xf32>
      scf.yield %93 : vector<3xf32>
    } else {
      scf.yield %cst_1 : vector<3xf32>
    %57 = vector.insert_strided_slice %56, %cst_0 {offsets = [0, 0], strides = [1]} : vector<3xf32> into vector<3x3xf32>
    %61 = scf.if ... -> (vector<3xf32>) {
      %93 = vector.transfer_read %50[%c0, %c0, %c1, %c0], %cst_2 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<1x?x?x3xf32>, vector<3xf32>
      scf.yield %93 : vector<3xf32>
    } else {
      scf.yield %cst_1 : vector<3xf32>
    %62 = vector.insert_strided_slice %61, %57 {offsets = [1, 0], strides = [1]} : vector<3xf32> into vector<3x3xf32>
    %66 = scf.if ... -> (vector<3xf32>) {
      %93 = vector.transfer_read %50[%c0, %c0, %c2, %c0], %cst_2 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<1x?x?x3xf32>, vector<3xf32>
      scf.yield %93 : vector<3xf32>
    } else {
      scf.yield %cst_1 : vector<3xf32>
    %67 = vector.insert_strided_slice %66, %62 {offsets = [2, 0], strides = [1]} : vector<3xf32> into vector<3x3xf32>
    %68 = linalg.init_tensor [1, 1, 3, 3] : tensor<1x1x3x3xf32>
    %69 = vector.transfer_write %67, %68[%c0, %c0, %c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<3x3xf32>, tensor<1x1x3x3xf32>
    %70 = tensor.extract_slice %36[%arg7, %arg9, 0, 0] [1, 1, 3, 4] [1, 1, 1, 1] : tensor<3x3x3x4xf32> to tensor<1x1x3x4xf32>
    %71 = vector.transfer_read %70[%c0, %c0, %c0, %c0], %cst_2 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<1x1x3x4xf32>, vector<3x4xf32>
    %72 = vector.extract_strided_slice %71 {offsets = [0, 0], sizes = [1, 4], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<3x4xf32> to vector<1x4xf32>
    %73 = vector.extract_strided_slice %71 {offsets = [1, 0], sizes = [1, 4], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<3x4xf32> to vector<1x4xf32>
    %74 = vector.extract_strided_slice %71 {offsets = [2, 0], sizes = [1, 4], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<3x4xf32> to vector<1x4xf32>
    %75 = vector.transfer_read %69[%c0, %c0, %c0, %c0], %cst_2 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<1x1x3x3xf32>, vector<1x3xf32>
    %76 = vector.transfer_read %arg10[%c0, %c0, %c0, %c0], %cst_2 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
    %77 = vector.extract_strided_slice %75 {offsets = [0, 0], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x3xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
    %78 = vector.contract {
            indexing_maps = [
              affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d2)>,
              affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d2, d1)>,
              affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1)>
            iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction"],
            kind = #vector.kind<add>
          } %77, %72, %76 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
    %79 = vector.extract_strided_slice %75 {offsets = [0, 1], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x3xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
    %80 = vector.contract {...} %79, %73, %78 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
    %81 = vector.extract_strided_slice %75 {offsets = [0, 2], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x3xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
    %82 = vector.contract {...} %81, %74, %80 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
    %83 = vector.transfer_write %82, %arg10[%c0, %c0, %c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>
    %84 = vector.transfer_read %69[%c0, %c0, %c2, %c0], %cst_2 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<1x1x3x3xf32>, vector<1x3xf32>
    %85 = vector.transfer_read %arg10[%c0, %c0, %c1, %c0], %cst_2 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
    %86 = vector.extract_strided_slice %84 {offsets = [0, 0], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x3xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
    %87 = vector.contract {...} %86, %72, %85 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
    %88 = vector.extract_strided_slice %84 {offsets = [0, 1], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x3xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
    %89 = vector.contract {...} %88, %73, %87 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
    %90 = vector.extract_strided_slice %84 {offsets = [0, 2], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x3xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
    %91 = vector.contract {...} %90, %74, %89 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
    %92 = vector.transfer_write %91, %83[%c0, %c0, %c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>
    scf.yield %92 : tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>
  scf.yield %43 : tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>
%38 = vector.transfer_read %26[%c0, %c0, %c0, %c0], %cst_2 {in_bounds = [true, true, true, true]} : tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>, vector<1x1x2x4xf32>
%39 = vector.transfer_read %37[%c0, %c0, %c0, %c0], %cst_2 {in_bounds = [true, true, true, true]} : tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>, vector<1x1x2x4xf32>
%40 = arith.subf %39, %38 : vector<1x1x2x4xf32>
%41 = vector.transfer_write %40, %37[%c0, %c0, %c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true, true, true]} : vector<1x1x2x4xf32>, tensor<1x1x2x4xf32>
%42 = tensor.insert_slice %41 into %arg6...

Convolution has much more ops generated than matmul, as it’s more complicated than matmul—we have fused padding in the above that contributes to all those scf.if conditional reads. More fundamentally, it’s due to the convolution computation.

Here it’s worth touching on one key property of various powerful ops involved in the above: they all support using indexing map to express access patterns; this includes various linalg structured ops, vector transfer ops, and vector.contract. These indexing maps are abstractions that can embed transposition, model various modes of load/store from memory, and so on. Though, there is a difference: vector ops require their indexing maps to be projected permutation (i.e., a subset/projection of a symbol-less permutation map), while linalg structured ops do not require that. It’s understandable given that vector ops are more close to the machine model so their abstractions are subject to more restrictions and enjoy less flexibility than upper layers.

Looking at indexing maps for linalg.matmul and linalg.conv2d:

- affine_map<(m, n, k)[s0, s1, s2] -> (m, k)>
- affine_map<(m, n, k)[s0, s1, s2] -> (k, n)>
- affine_map<(m, n, k)[s0, s1, s2] -> (m, n)>
// oh/ow: output height/width, fh/fw: filter height/width
// sh/sw: stride height/width, dh/dw: dilation height/width
// ic/oc: input/output channel, n: batch
- affine_map<(n, oh, ow, oc, fh, fw, ic)[s0, s1, s2, s3, dh, s5, sw, s7, dw, s9, s10]
  -> (n, oh * sh + fh * dh, ow * sw + fw * dw, ic)>
- affine_map<(n, oh, ow, oc, fh, fw, ic)[s0, s1, sh, s3, dh, s5, sw, s7, dw, s9, s10]
  -> (fh, fw, ic, oc)>
- affine_map<(n, oh, ow, oc, fh, fw, ic)[s0, s1, sh, s3, dh, s5, sw, s7, dw, s9, s10]
  -> (n, oh, ow, oc)>

Convolution’s input has an access pattern of (n, oh * sh + fh * dh, ow * sw + fw * dw, ic), which is not representable in vector op indexing maps.

Note that one common trick for convolution is to convert 1x1 filter convolutions into matmul. Following similar thoughts here, if we tile both filter window dimensions by tile size 1, the convolution would have a 1x1 filter, which would allow us to vectorize it like a matmul! From the perspective of indexing maps, 1x1 filter would have fh == fw == 0, so the indexing map for input would be (n, oh * sh, ow * sw, ic), where sh and sw are constant. That’s why we see two extra loops (with induction variable %arg7 and %arg9) for convolution in the above.

However, tiling filter window dimensions is just part of the story. We still see strided access to convolution input if the stride (sh/sw) is not 1. So we’d need to further unroll along output window dimensions (oh/ow) to simplify the problem. Now the input indexing map would become (n, <constant>, <constant>, ic), that’s exactly like matmul (m, k).

The unrolling along output window dimensions is performed as part of the vectorization pattern. Normally we would not want to do this, as we would like the vectorization pattern to be minimal and mechanical. And there are dedicated unrolling vector patterns (which I’ll come to later). However, for convolution that’s not possible right now. This remains a place we can improve in the future.

After vectorization, convolution is also converted to vector.contract. Albeit more complicated, it’s fundamentally similar to the matmul case. So from now on I’ll only focus on the matmul case. (You can still follow the convolution IR conversion dump here.)


The next major step after vectorization is unrolling. As said before, because of static shapes, we can leverage unrolling to decompose high-D vector ops to low-D ones. This matches the level the vector dialect is modeling and the purpose it’s serving—utilizing registers and native vector instructions to the best on a single SIMD/SIMT compute unit. Unrolling would fit large vectors into hardware target-specific vectors and create enough vector operations to occupy SIMD/SIMT units.

In MLIR, vector unrolling patterns are populated via vector::populateVectorUnrollPatterns() and implemented separately for different vector ops. Unrollable ops implement the VectorUnrollOpInterface and specialize the getShapeForUnroll() method to indicate which operand/result vector shape should be the anchor (original shape) for unrolling.

Unrolling is controlled by UnrollVectorOptions. Importantly it has setNativeShapeFn() which accepts a function for specifying the native vector size of various vector ops. This is where we control the unrolling to break down large vectors. For example, for vector.contract we can set sizes for all dimensions to 1, except for the last parallel dimension, where we can set as 4. This would unroll all vector.contract ops down to 4-element vector and so that eventually we can lower it to vector.fma ops.

Note that unrolling for transfer ops (for memory access) and other ops (for computation) might need different rules, especially for GPU. For GPU, we typically want to do 128-bit loads for memory coalescing; so we’d need to consider the element bitwidth to decide the native number of elements, e.g., vector<4xf32> for f32, vector<8xf16> for f16.

Unrolling works by creating a chain of the same vector ops working on smaller vectors extracted with vector.extract_strided_slice ops. Results are then inserted back to a vector via vector.insert_strided_slice ops to yield the original vector shape. With it, the matmul example becomes:

%14 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%15 = tensor.extract_slice %arg5...
%16 = vector.extract_strided_slice %cst {offsets = [0, 0], sizes = [1, 4], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<4x4xf32> to vector<1x4xf32>
%17 = vector.transfer_write %16, %15[%c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%18 = vector.extract_strided_slice %cst {offsets = [1, 0], sizes = [1, 4], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<4x4xf32> to vector<1x4xf32>
%19 = vector.transfer_write %18, %17[%c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%20 = vector.extract_strided_slice %cst {offsets = [2, 0], sizes = [1, 4], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<4x4xf32> to vector<1x4xf32>
%21 = vector.transfer_write %20, %19[%c2, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%22 = vector.extract_strided_slice %cst {offsets = [3, 0], sizes = [1, 4], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<4x4xf32> to vector<1x4xf32>
%23 = vector.transfer_write %22, %21[%c3, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%24 = tensor.extract_slice %9[%arg2, 0] [4, 256] [1, 1] : tensor<8x256xf32> to tensor<4x256xf32>
%25 = tensor.extract_slice %10[0, %arg4] [256, 4] [1, 1] : tensor<256x32xf32> to tensor<256x4xf32>
%26 = scf.for %arg6 = %c0 to %c256 step %c4 iter_args(%arg7 = %23) -> (tensor<4x4xf32>) {
  %44 = tensor.extract_slice ...
  %45 = tensor.extract_slice ...
  %46 = vector.transfer_read %44[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
  %47 = vector.transfer_read %44[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
  %48 = vector.transfer_read %44[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
  %49 = vector.transfer_read %44[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
  %50 = vector.transfer_read %45[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
  %51 = vector.transfer_read %45[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
  %52 = vector.transfer_read %45[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
  %53 = vector.transfer_read %45[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
  %54 = vector.transfer_read %arg7[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
  %55 = vector.transfer_read %arg7[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
  %56 = vector.transfer_read %arg7[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
  %57 = vector.transfer_read %arg7[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
  %58 = vector.extract_strided_slice %46 {offsets = [0, 0], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %59 = vector.contract {...} %58, %50, %54 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %60 = vector.extract_strided_slice %46 {offsets = [0, 1], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %61 = vector.contract {...} %60, %51, %59 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %62 = vector.extract_strided_slice %46 {offsets = [0, 2], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %63 = vector.contract {...} %62, %52, %61 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %64 = vector.extract_strided_slice %46 {offsets = [0, 3], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %65 = vector.contract {...} %64, %53, %63 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %66 = vector.extract_strided_slice %47 {offsets = [0, 0], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %67 = vector.contract {...} %66, %50, %55 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %68 = vector.extract_strided_slice %47 {offsets = [0, 1], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %69 = vector.contract {...} %68, %51, %67 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %70 = vector.extract_strided_slice %47 {offsets = [0, 2], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %71 = vector.contract {...} %70, %52, %69 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %72 = vector.extract_strided_slice %47 {offsets = [0, 3], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %73 = vector.contract {...} %72, %53, %71 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %74 = vector.extract_strided_slice %48 {offsets = [0, 0], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %75 = vector.contract {...} %74, %50, %56 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %76 = vector.extract_strided_slice %48 {offsets = [0, 1], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %77 = vector.contract {...} %76, %51, %75 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %78 = vector.extract_strided_slice %48 {offsets = [0, 2], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %79 = vector.contract {...} %78, %52, %77 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %80 = vector.extract_strided_slice %48 {offsets = [0, 3], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %81 = vector.contract {...} %80, %53, %79 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %82 = vector.extract_strided_slice %49 {offsets = [0, 0], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %83 = vector.contract {...} %82, %50, %57 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %84 = vector.extract_strided_slice %49 {offsets = [0, 1], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %85 = vector.contract {...} %84, %51, %83 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %86 = vector.extract_strided_slice %49 {offsets = [0, 2], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %87 = vector.contract {...} %86, %52, %85 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %88 = vector.extract_strided_slice %49 {offsets = [0, 3], sizes = [1, 1], strides = [1, 1]} : vector<1x4xf32> to vector<1x1xf32>
  %89 = vector.contract {...} %88, %53, %87 : vector<1x1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<1x4xf32>
  %90 = vector.transfer_write %65, %arg7[%c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
  %91 = vector.transfer_write %73, %90[%c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
  %92 = vector.transfer_write %81, %91[%c2, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
  %93 = vector.transfer_write %89, %92[%c3, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
  scf.yield %93 : tensor<4x4xf32>
%27 = vector.transfer_read %14[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
%28 = vector.transfer_read %14[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
%29 = vector.transfer_read %14[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
%30 = vector.transfer_read %14[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
%31 = vector.transfer_read %26[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
%32 = vector.transfer_read %26[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
%33 = vector.transfer_read %26[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
%34 = vector.transfer_read %26[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true, true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<1x4xf32>
%35 = arith.subf %31, %27 : vector<1x4xf32>
%36 = arith.subf %32, %28 : vector<1x4xf32>
%37 = arith.subf %33, %29 : vector<1x4xf32>
%38 = arith.subf %34, %30 : vector<1x4xf32>
%39 = vector.transfer_write %35, %26[%c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%40 = vector.transfer_write %36, %39[%c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%41 = vector.transfer_write %37, %40[%c2, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%42 = vector.transfer_write %38, %41[%c3, %c0] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<1x4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%43 = tensor.insert_slice %42 into %arg5...

This is a big step towards the final form, albeit still using high-level target-agnostic vector ops. There are quite a few cleanups we need to do before lowering those high-level ops to low-level target-specific ops:

  1. These vectors are still more than 1-D, with leading unit dimensions. We would like to have just plain 1-D vectors.
  2. We have vector.transfer_write ops zeroing the output tensor before the loop and then vector.transfer_read ops reading it from the tensor for the first iteration in the loop. This can be avoided by hosting out the transfer ops on the output vector and canceling write-read pairs at the beginning.

Handling high-D vectors

We need to handle the leading unit dimensions before hoisting—hoisting would make vectors to be loop carried; after that it’s not trivial to drop leading unit dimensions and perform cleanups, as the loop would become a “barrier” to patterns.

vector::populateCastAwayVectorLeadingOneDimPatterns() collects patterns for such purposes. We also have separate patterns for different vector ops there.

For certain cases we might see vector.insert_strided_slice inserting 1-D native vectors into high-D larger vectors. The above won’t handle it; we would need to use vector::populateVectorInsertExtractStridedSliceDecompositionPatterns() to break those remaining high-D vector insertions.

With these, the matmul example now becomes:

%14 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%15 = tensor.extract_slice %arg5...
%16 = vector.transfer_write %cst, %15[%c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%17 = vector.transfer_write %cst, %16[%c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%18 = vector.transfer_write %cst, %17[%c2, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%19 = vector.transfer_write %cst, %18[%c3, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%20 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%21 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%22 = scf.for %arg6 = %c0 to %c256 step %c4 iter_args(%arg7 = %19) -> (tensor<4x4xf32>) {
  %40 = tensor.extract_slice ...
  %41 = tensor.extract_slice ...
  %42 = vector.transfer_read %40[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %43 = vector.transfer_read %40[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %44 = vector.transfer_read %40[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %45 = vector.transfer_read %40[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %46 = vector.transfer_read %41[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %47 = vector.broadcast %46 : vector<4xf32> to vector<1x4xf32>
  %48 = vector.transfer_read %41[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %49 = vector.broadcast %48 : vector<4xf32> to vector<1x4xf32>
  %50 = vector.transfer_read %41[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %51 = vector.broadcast %50 : vector<4xf32> to vector<1x4xf32>
  %52 = vector.transfer_read %41[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %53 = vector.broadcast %52 : vector<4xf32> to vector<1x4xf32>
  %54 = vector.transfer_read %arg7[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %55 = vector.transfer_read %arg7[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %56 = vector.transfer_read %arg7[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %57 = vector.transfer_read %arg7[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %58 = vector.extract_strided_slice %42 {offsets = [0], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %59 = vector.contract {...} %58, %47, %54 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %60 = vector.extract_strided_slice %42 {offsets = [1], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %61 = vector.contract {...} %60, %49, %59 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %62 = vector.extract_strided_slice %42 {offsets = [2], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %63 = vector.contract {...} %62, %51, %61 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %64 = vector.extract_strided_slice %42 {offsets = [3], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %65 = vector.contract {...} %64, %53, %63 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %66 = vector.extract_strided_slice %43 {offsets = [0], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %67 = vector.contract {...} %66, %47, %55 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %68 = vector.extract_strided_slice %43 {offsets = [1], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %69 = vector.contract {...} %68, %49, %67 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %70 = vector.extract_strided_slice %43 {offsets = [2], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %71 = vector.contract {...} %70, %51, %69 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %72 = vector.extract_strided_slice %43 {offsets = [3], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %73 = vector.contract {...} %72, %53, %71 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %74 = vector.extract_strided_slice %44 {offsets = [0], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %75 = vector.contract {...} %74, %47, %56 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %76 = vector.extract_strided_slice %44 {offsets = [1], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %77 = vector.contract {...} %76, %49, %75 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %78 = vector.extract_strided_slice %44 {offsets = [2], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %79 = vector.contract {...} %78, %51, %77 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %80 = vector.extract_strided_slice %44 {offsets = [3], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %81 = vector.contract {...} %80, %53, %79 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %82 = vector.extract_strided_slice %45 {offsets = [0], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %83 = vector.contract {...} %82, %47, %57 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %84 = vector.extract_strided_slice %45 {offsets = [1], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %85 = vector.contract {...} %84, %49, %83 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %86 = vector.extract_strided_slice %45 {offsets = [2], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %87 = vector.contract {...} %86, %51, %85 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %88 = vector.extract_strided_slice %45 {offsets = [3], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %89 = vector.contract {...} %88, %53, %87 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %90 = vector.transfer_write %65, %arg7[%c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
  %91 = vector.transfer_write %73, %90[%c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
  %92 = vector.transfer_write %81, %91[%c2, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
  %93 = vector.transfer_write %89, %92[%c3, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
  scf.yield %93 : tensor<4x4xf32>
%23 = vector.transfer_read %14[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%24 = vector.transfer_read %14[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%25 = vector.transfer_read %14[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%26 = vector.transfer_read %14[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%27 = vector.transfer_read %22[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%28 = vector.transfer_read %22[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%29 = vector.transfer_read %22[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%30 = vector.transfer_read %22[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%31 = arith.subf %27, %23 : vector<4xf32>
%32 = arith.subf %28, %24 : vector<4xf32>
%33 = arith.subf %29, %25 : vector<4xf32>
%34 = arith.subf %30, %26 : vector<4xf32>
%35 = vector.transfer_write %31, %22[%c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%36 = vector.transfer_write %32, %35[%c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%37 = vector.transfer_write %33, %36[%c2, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%38 = vector.transfer_write %34, %37[%c3, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%39 = tensor.insert_slice %38 into %arg5...

All vectors are 1-D 1/4 elements now! Next we can perform hoisting given the clean types.


Hoisting transfer ops works by inspecting loop carried tensors to see whether we have a vector.transfer_read op at the beginning and a vector.transfer_write op at the end. The indices should be static. If so we can hoist such transfer ops out of the loop. This is done via linalg::hoistRedundantVectorTransfersOnTensor() (for tensors) and linalg::hoistRedundantVectorTransfers() (for buffers).

With it, now the example looks like:

%15 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%16 = tensor.extract_slice %arg5...
%17 = vector.transfer_write %cst, %16[%c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%18 = vector.transfer_write %cst, %17[%c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%19 = vector.transfer_write %cst, %18[%c2, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%20 = vector.transfer_write %cst, %19[%c3, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%21 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%22:4 = scf.for %arg6 = %c0 to %c256 step %c4
          iter_args(%arg7 = %cst, %arg8 = %cst, %arg9 = %cst, %arg10 = %cst)
        -> (vector<4xf32>, vector<4xf32>, vector<4xf32>, vector<4xf32>) {
  %40 = tensor.extract_slice ...
  %41 = tensor.extract_slice ...
  %42 = vector.transfer_read %40[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %43 = vector.transfer_read %40[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %44 = vector.transfer_read %40[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %45 = vector.transfer_read %40[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %46 = vector.transfer_read %41[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %47 = vector.broadcast %46 : vector<4xf32> to vector<1x4xf32>
  %48 = vector.transfer_read %41[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %49 = vector.broadcast %48 : vector<4xf32> to vector<1x4xf32>
  %50 = vector.transfer_read %41[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %51 = vector.broadcast %50 : vector<4xf32> to vector<1x4xf32>
  %52 = vector.transfer_read %41[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %53 = vector.broadcast %52 : vector<4xf32> to vector<1x4xf32>
  %54 = vector.extract_strided_slice %42 {offsets = [0], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %55 = vector.contract {...} %54, %47, %arg10 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %56 = vector.extract_strided_slice %42 {offsets = [1], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %57 = vector.contract {...} %56, %49, %55 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %58 = vector.extract_strided_slice %42 {offsets = [2], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %59 = vector.contract {...} %58, %51, %57 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %60 = vector.extract_strided_slice %42 {offsets = [3], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %61 = vector.contract {...} %60, %53, %59 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %62 = vector.extract_strided_slice %43 {offsets = [0], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %63 = vector.contract {...} %62, %47, %arg9 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %64 = vector.extract_strided_slice %43 {offsets = [1], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %65 = vector.contract {...} %64, %49, %63 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %66 = vector.extract_strided_slice %43 {offsets = [2], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %67 = vector.contract {...} %66, %51, %65 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %68 = vector.extract_strided_slice %43 {offsets = [3], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %69 = vector.contract {...} %68, %53, %67 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %70 = vector.extract_strided_slice %44 {offsets = [0], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %71 = vector.contract {...} %70, %47, %arg8 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %72 = vector.extract_strided_slice %44 {offsets = [1], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %73 = vector.contract {...} %72, %49, %71 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %74 = vector.extract_strided_slice %44 {offsets = [2], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %75 = vector.contract {...} %74, %51, %73 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %76 = vector.extract_strided_slice %44 {offsets = [3], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %77 = vector.contract {...} %76, %53, %75 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %78 = vector.extract_strided_slice %45 {offsets = [0], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %79 = vector.contract {...} %78, %47, %arg7 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %80 = vector.extract_strided_slice %45 {offsets = [1], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %81 = vector.contract {...} %80, %49, %79 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %82 = vector.extract_strided_slice %45 {offsets = [2], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %83 = vector.contract {...} %82, %51, %81 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  %84 = vector.extract_strided_slice %45 {offsets = [3], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<4xf32> to vector<1xf32>
  %85 = vector.contract {...} %84, %53, %83 : vector<1xf32>, vector<1x4xf32> into vector<4xf32>
  scf.yield %85, %77, %69, %61 : vector<4xf32>, vector<4xf32>, vector<4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%23 = vector.transfer_write %22#3, %20[%c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%24 = vector.transfer_write %22#2, %23[%c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%25 = vector.transfer_write %22#1, %24[%c2, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%26 = vector.transfer_write %22#0, %25[%c3, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%27 = vector.transfer_read %15[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%28 = vector.transfer_read %15[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%29 = vector.transfer_read %15[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%30 = vector.transfer_read %15[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%31 = arith.subf %22#3, %27 : vector<4xf32>
%32 = arith.subf %22#2, %28 : vector<4xf32>
%33 = arith.subf %22#1, %29 : vector<4xf32>
%34 = arith.subf %22#0, %30 : vector<4xf32>
%35 = vector.transfer_write %31, %26[%c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%36 = vector.transfer_write %32, %35[%c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%37 = vector.transfer_write %33, %36[%c2, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%38 = vector.transfer_write %34, %37[%c3, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%39 = tensor.insert_slice %38 into %arg5...

Now we don’t need to go through tensors for initialization at the beginning and loop carried values are vectors.

This is pretty much all the major steps we need for preparing vector ops of the final form. What’s coming next is just lowering those high-level ops down to low-level ones.


This step again needs to collect various patterns for different ops. These patterns are in vector::populateVector*LoweringPatterns() variants. For example, vector::populateVectorContractLoweringPatterns() for vector.contract ops, vector::populateVectorTransposeLoweringPatterns() for vector.transpose ops, and so on. These patterns allow controls over directions of the lowering, e.g., whether to lower vector.contract to vector.outerproduct (good for GPU) or something else.

With those lowering patterns and more canonicalization, we have the final form of the IR:

%15 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%16 = tensor.extract_slice %arg5...
%17 = tensor.extract_slice ...
%18:4 = scf.for %arg6 = %c0 to %c256 step %c4
          iter_args(%arg7 = %cst, %arg8 = %cst, %arg9 = %cst, %arg10 = %cst)
        -> (vector<4xf32>, vector<4xf32>, vector<4xf32>, vector<4xf32>) {
  %32 = tensor.extract_slice %13[0, %arg6] [4, 4] [1, 1] : tensor<4x256xf32> to tensor<4x4xf32>
  %33 = tensor.extract_slice %17[%arg6, 0] [4, 4] [1, 1] : tensor<256x4xf32> to tensor<4x4xf32>
  %34 = vector.transfer_read %32[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %35 = vector.transfer_read %32[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %36 = vector.transfer_read %32[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %37 = vector.transfer_read %32[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %38 = vector.transfer_read %33[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %39 = vector.transfer_read %33[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %40 = vector.transfer_read %33[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %41 = vector.transfer_read %33[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
  %42 = vector.extract %34[0] : vector<4xf32>
  %43 = vector.splat %42 : vector<4xf32>
  %44 = vector.fma %43, %38, %arg10 : vector<4xf32>
  %45 = vector.extract %34[1] : vector<4xf32>
  %46 = vector.splat %45 : vector<4xf32>
  %47 = vector.fma %46, %39, %44 : vector<4xf32>
  %48 = vector.extract %34[2] : vector<4xf32>
  %49 = vector.splat %48 : vector<4xf32>
  %50 = vector.fma %49, %40, %47 : vector<4xf32>
  %51 = vector.extract %34[3] : vector<4xf32>
  %52 = vector.splat %51 : vector<4xf32>
  %53 = vector.fma %52, %41, %50 : vector<4xf32>
  %54 = vector.extract %35[0] : vector<4xf32>
  %55 = vector.splat %54 : vector<4xf32>
  %56 = vector.fma %55, %38, %arg9 : vector<4xf32>
  %57 = vector.extract %35[1] : vector<4xf32>
  %58 = vector.splat %57 : vector<4xf32>
  %59 = vector.fma %58, %39, %56 : vector<4xf32>
  %60 = vector.extract %35[2] : vector<4xf32>
  %61 = vector.splat %60 : vector<4xf32>
  %62 = vector.fma %61, %40, %59 : vector<4xf32>
  %63 = vector.extract %35[3] : vector<4xf32>
  %64 = vector.splat %63 : vector<4xf32>
  %65 = vector.fma %64, %41, %62 : vector<4xf32>
  %66 = vector.extract %36[0] : vector<4xf32>
  %67 = vector.splat %66 : vector<4xf32>
  %68 = vector.fma %67, %38, %arg8 : vector<4xf32>
  %69 = vector.extract %36[1] : vector<4xf32>
  %70 = vector.splat %69 : vector<4xf32>
  %71 = vector.fma %70, %39, %68 : vector<4xf32>
  %72 = vector.extract %36[2] : vector<4xf32>
  %73 = vector.splat %72 : vector<4xf32>
  %74 = vector.fma %73, %40, %71 : vector<4xf32>
  %75 = vector.extract %36[3] : vector<4xf32>
  %76 = vector.splat %75 : vector<4xf32>
  %77 = vector.fma %76, %41, %74 : vector<4xf32>
  %78 = vector.extract %37[0] : vector<4xf32>
  %79 = vector.splat %78 : vector<4xf32>
  %80 = vector.fma %79, %38, %arg7 : vector<4xf32>
  %81 = vector.extract %37[1] : vector<4xf32>
  %82 = vector.splat %81 : vector<4xf32>
  %83 = vector.fma %82, %39, %80 : vector<4xf32>
  %84 = vector.extract %37[2] : vector<4xf32>
  %85 = vector.splat %84 : vector<4xf32>
  %86 = vector.fma %85, %40, %83 : vector<4xf32>
  %87 = vector.extract %37[3] : vector<4xf32>
  %88 = vector.splat %87 : vector<4xf32>
  %89 = vector.fma %88, %41, %86 : vector<4xf32>
  scf.yield %89, %77, %65, %53 : vector<4xf32>, vector<4xf32>, vector<4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%19 = vector.transfer_read %15[%c0, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%20 = vector.transfer_read %15[%c1, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%21 = vector.transfer_read %15[%c2, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%22 = vector.transfer_read %15[%c3, %c0], %cst_0 {in_bounds = [true]} : tensor<4x4xf32>, vector<4xf32>
%23 = arith.subf %18#3, %19 : vector<4xf32>
%24 = arith.subf %18#2, %20 : vector<4xf32>
%25 = arith.subf %18#1, %21 : vector<4xf32>
%26 = arith.subf %18#0, %22 : vector<4xf32>
%27 = vector.transfer_write %23, %16[%c0, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%28 = vector.transfer_write %24, %27[%c1, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%29 = vector.transfer_write %25, %28[%c2, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%30 = vector.transfer_write %26, %29[%c3, %c0] {in_bounds = [true]} : vector<4xf32>, tensor<4x4xf32>
%31 = tensor.insert_slice %30 into %arg5...

Closing Words

In the above I walked through the steps involved in vector transformations. There are still more details not covered. To understand those, please feel free to take a look at the source code, which contains comments explaining each step.

In general vector dialect and patterns are key components in the whole flow to CodeGen good code for a single compute unit. Properly using it requires careful sequencing of the patterns though. Hopefully this blog post provides some hints on how to do that.

There are also other vector dialect features I didn’t cover in the above, like using vector.warp_execute_on_lane_0 to progressively turn SIMD programming into SIMT by moving ops inside the region (for SIMD) outside (for SIMT) to distribute to GPU threads. Till next time I guess. 😊